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Diversity and inclusion

The RCN champions equality, inclusion and human rights issues across the depth and breadth of the health and social care sector. 


Guidance on protected characteristics, types of discrimination and what you should do if you feel you are being discriminated against at work.
illustration of diverse nursing workforce

RCN Equality and inclusion strategy

The new RCN Group equality, diversity and inclusion strategy is being developed and will be launched later in 2022.


Providing inclusive health care

Guidance on how to ensure all groups of people feel included and valued within their society or community. 

RCN Group EDI statement

The RCN Group's equality, diversity and inclusion statement focuses on our ambition to be a world-class champion of equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights, and sets out how we aim to achieve this.

Black History Month

Celebrating the contribution of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic nursing workforce


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Our work

> Equality and inclusion strategy

How we fight for equality and promote inclusion in the workplace, in all health care settings and in our work for the needs of our diverse membership. 

RCN position on employer responsibilities for black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

The responsibilities of employers to comply fully with their health and safety obligations and wider duty of care to BAME workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

> Gender and nursing as a profession report

Report commissioned by the RCN shows that nursing is undervalued in status and pay because most nurses are women.

Gender pay gap report

Report outlining the statistics of the gender pay gap at the Royal College of Nursing.

Employment advice 

> Inclusion Café

Resources for promoting equality and inclusion in the workplace. 

> Discrimination

Guidance on protected characteristics, types of discrimination and what you should do if you feel you are being discriminated against at work.

> Discrimination: equal pay

Advice on pay and discrimination and what to do if you think you are not receiving equal pay.

> Disability discrimination and the Equality Act 2010

Guidance on disclosing disability to your employer, types of discrimination and challenging discrimination.

Nursing whilst black

Our new podcast series asks nursing staff from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds to share their thoughts, reflections and insights on their experiences of working in healthcare.

Pride in Nursing

#PrideInNursing is all about celebrating diversity, equality and inclusion in nursing and our commitment to support LGBTQ+ members and our wider membership to support their LGBTQ+ colleagues. 

Clinical guidance

> Inclusion health care

Information and resources related to breaking down health and social inequalities.

> Caring for lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans clients or patients

Guidance for nurses and health care support workers on LGBT next of kin issues.

> Fair care for trans patients

Guidance on responding to the needs of trans patients. 

'Racism hurts our entire profession'

RCN President Anne Marie Rafferty and Deputy President Yvonne Coghill address the impact of COVID-19 on BAME staff and patients, and wider discrimination within society.

Supporting you

> Immigration Advice Service

Free, confidential support and assistance for members on immigration issues.

> Disability coaching

Coaching for members on disability related issues that impact upon their ability to remain in, or return to, nursing.

Peer Support Service

This is a network for sharing experiences and knowledge, and promoting a positive approach towards health care professionals with lived experience of disability.