Learning resources
For the nursing support workforce
Discover what RCN learning resources are available to you
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Confidence to learn
Build your confidence to learn with recommended resources and funding options.
RCN Foundation
The RCN Foundation offer a range of education and professional development funding including for health care support workers, and could support you with funding.
Free literacy, numeracy and digital resources:
Open Learn: free learning from the Open University
Union Learn: English, maths and digital skills
Think Online Training: Functional maths training
National Numeracy: Improve your maths
Professional resources:
RCN. Accountability and Delegation guide
RCN. Publications
RCN. Definition and principles of nursing
RCN. Forums and Networks – open to RCN members
Royal College of Midwives. Maternity support worker advocates
Royal College of Physicians. National Early Warning Score
Skills for Care: Care Certificate
Health Education England. Maternity Support Worker Competency, Education and Career Development Framework
Funding your CPD
3 steps to help you get started in funding your continuing professional development (CPD):
- Contact your line manager to discuss CPD and training options as part of your learning and development plan.
- Research available courses, costs and learning outcomes.
- Share a proposal with your employer, including funding opportunities.