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What can we do

Leadership to Improve Physical and Mental Health

  Championing parity of esteem to lead change  

 Cost  Duration  Start Date  Qualification  Credits  Delivery
 From £1,100 + VAT  4 months  September 2023  Levels 6 and 7  20  Fully online, some live lessons

Current context

This blending learning programme explores the impact of meeting the mental and physical health needs of patients and staff while we work in new ways and with new emotional, psychological and physical pressures.

Participants will learn how to provide leadership while delivering care for people of all ages and different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs.


Professional services benefits table

The participant will be able to:

  • explore ‘Parity of Esteem’ work and application of the learning to their current contexts
  • explore the impact of Covid-19 on patient experience and physical and mental health outcomes
  • explore the impact of inequality in care provision with those who have experience either as providers of care or as patients  
  • explore the overlap between mental and physical health for nurses
  • develop an understanding of change management processes, working across professional and organisational barriers
  • apply your learning through the development of a service improvement project in your local area, implementing evidence-based practice to improve standards for the benefit of patients, the public, health care workers and employers
  • reflect on the impact on service users experience – family and service user.

   Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 
 Cohort 2  12 September 2023 16 October 2023 13 November 2023

The programme is delivered virtually and includes:

  • three half days of live virtual delivery 
  • three half days of pre-recorded teaching and podcasts 
  • wrap-around online learning; discussion forum 
  • one to one telephone coaching sessions 
  • e-portfolio and a workbook to reflect on learning and skill development
  • up to three experience days to assist with project development as needed by the delegate (optional, to be organised by the participant).  

Total study time: 200 hours

The programme delivery will consider the training needs and organisational responses about the following issues:

  • Critical appraisal and exploration of current healthcare provision and outcomes including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic; national policy, frameworks and guidance; considering the obstacles and barriers to healthcare equality and ‘parity of esteem’ in the local and national context
  • The individual practitioner’s role in addressing inequalities in access to holistic healthcare, such as the mortality gap for those with serious mental illness (SMI) 
  • Considering organisational culture and ways of working in relation to physical and mental healthcare provision, unmet need, service gaps and opportunities for change 
  • Opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences and discuss the areas of clinical skills overlap, including self-harm and wound care, assessment of the deteriorating patient and assessment and promotion of mental wellbeing
  • Exploration around the development of responsive services for current and future populations
  • Implementing change in practice including demonstrating the value of the change to patients, staff and your organisation through a learning action plan and a service improvement project.

Service Improvement Project that will enable you to improve practice within your own setting.

After completion of the programme participants will receive a RCN certificate. We have an agreement with Coventry University to provide 20 credits for these programmes at either level 6 (Bachelors) or level 7 (Masters).

With academic credits: £1,450 + VAT
Without academic credits: £1,100 + VAT
VAT registered Charities who pay for employees to undertake this programme will be able to claim back the VAT.

Fees must be paid in full in advance of the course start date. 

Register your interest

Please complete your contact details below to receive more information and register your interest in the programme.

By submitting this form, you are giving the RCN permission to contact you about the Improving Physical and Mental Health Outcomes course. 

You can control the information you receive from the RCN by updating your preferences at MyRCN.

The information you provide in this form will be stored by the RCN.

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please view our privacy policy to find out more about the information we collect and how it is used.

Anne Hutchinson

Informative and well-presented. I will use this to reflect on my practice with people with learning disabilities and physical healthcare.

Rachel Kitchen Leadership to Improve Physical and Mental Health Programme participant


How much will it cost to take this programme?

With academic credits: £1,450 + VAT.

Without academic credits: £1,100 + VAT.

Can my organisation fund the programme on my behalf?

Yes, your organisation can fund the programme on your behalf.

Once I have expressed my interest, how many weeks do I have to complete the payment and enrolment process?

Enrolment and payment is due before the programme start date.

What is the duration of the programme?

The programme will be held on six half days over 13 weeks.

How much study time is involved?

Participants are required to commit a total of 200 hours of study time for the entire programme. This includes work-based learning activities, online learning, live lectures, seminars and workshops, additional reading, and six hours of one-to-one coaching.

Is coaching offered as part of this programme?

As part of the programme one-to-one coaching is offered to support learning and assignment preparation. Guidance in study skills and assignment planning is also available from the programme academics and the RCN librarians.

Is all the learning online?

Yes, the programme is delivered 100% online, with some live online sessions and self-directed learning.

What time do the live online lessons run?

9:00am – 5:00pm

What is the breakdown of the learning?

The make-up of the learning will be 10% live digital teaching; 40% self directed work based learning and 50% online directed study.

How many CPD hours is this programme worth?

Up to 30 hours of of participatory learning and additional individual learning hours

Will I be issued a certification on completion of the programme?

Yes, a certificate will be issues on completion of the programme. Please display proudly!

Do I need to buy any specific equipment to undertake this programme?

A laptop or tablet will be required. Please note that a mobile phone will not be suitable.

Is this course suitable for newly registered nurses? 

Yes, this course is suitable for newly qualified nurses.

Do I need to be in a leadership role already to take the course?

No, you do not need to be in a leadership course to take the course. This course will prepare you for a leadership role.  


Where can I find out more?

Please visit our web page and complete the expression of interest form, or send your queries to

Will the member of staff need to take study leave from work?

Yes, staff will need to be supported to attend all six half days with study time to complete the programme. The programme will include 200 hours of face-to-face and directed study time

Virtual Open Day

Join us online from 6.30pm on Wed 21 June for an introduction to our CPD courses with academic credits.
Our expert course leads will explain the benefits of each of the courses and answer your questions in the Q&A session.


020 7647 3822

IPMO, Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish Square, Room 207, London, W1G 0RN

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