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Domestic abuse assessment tools and guidance

This page provides a selection of useful links to assessment tools and guidance. Unless specified these tools are applicable across the UK.

16 Days of Action toolkitThis toolkit, supported by Public Health England is a brief for how companies can quickly and efficiently address domestic abuse.

LARA-VP. A resource to help mental health professionals identify and respond to Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA). This resource from King's College London is designed to help mental health services to identify and respond appropriately to those affected by DVA. You need to register to access this resource. Registration is free.

AVA Against Violence and Abuse. A Toolkit Addressing Domestic and Sexual Violence, Substance Use and Mental Ill-health. This toolkit developed as part of an initiative supported by the Department of Health aims to improve the response of health care professionals to survivors and perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence. 

Against Violence and Abuse (AVA) Information, guidance and useful tools on education to prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). The toolkit provides information, guidance and tools for education professionals to develop a prevention programme in their organisation. 

BMA. Domestic abuse in the health profession. Doctors have a key role in identifying and supporting patients affected by domestic abuse. 

Chelsea choice. A great dramatic portrayal of coercion and control, this show is bookable and usually reduced cost for health and social services. This website provides advice on coercive control and future conferences and events.

D-A-S-H. A support, advice and signposting service for anyone concerned for themselves or a friend, or a family member who is suffering from the effects of domestic abuse. (Currently this app refers only to services in the Kent area).

Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and Honour Based Violence (DASH, 2009) Risk Identification and Assessment and Management Model. The DASH tool is for all professionals working with victims of domestic abuse, stalking and harassment and honour based violence. (England and Wales).

Faculty of Public Health. The role of public health in the prevention of violence. This statement from the Faculty of Public Health sets out the public health approach to violence prevention.

IRIS – Identification and Referral to Improve Safety. The IRIS programme provides training and support to GPs, practice nurses and other primary care clinicians to help them identify and refer women with experience of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) to specialist domestic violence services. It also provides information and signposting for male victims and perpetrators.

Loveisrespect. Loveisrespect is a resource for young people aimed at stopping abuse and helping people to recognise the signs of an unhealthy relationship with quizzes, toolkits and videos.

Men’s Advice Line (2019) Respect Toolkit for work with male victims of domestic violence - third edition. The toolkit is for professionals working with men experiencing domestic violence.

Pathfinder. Pathfinder Toolkit (2020). Pathfinder was a 3-year fixed-term pilot project that brought together expertise and funding for specialist domestic abuse interventions to embed a ‘Whole Health’ approach to domestic abuse in 8 sites across England.

SafeLives Marac (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) toolkits. This page contains MARAC toolkits for people working across emergency, health care and support services.

Social Care Institute for Excellence. Recognising and responding to domestic violence and abuse. The guide covers the key points on domestic violence and abuse, and guides social workers so they can provide effective support for people who have experienced domestic abuse, as well as their children.

Thames Valley Police (2015) Tea and Consent. This video from Thames Valley Police highlights the issue of consent using the analogy of making a cup of tea.

Women’s Aid (2015) Tackling domestic violence toolkit for MPs. This domestic violence toolkit aims to support MPs and their constituency offices in recognising and supporting constituents who may be experiencing domestic violence or are survivors of domestic violence.

Women’s Aid (2016) Expect Respect Education. This toolkit is targeted for use by teachers within schools and is based on themes that have been found to be effective in tackling domestic abuse. 

Forced marriage

Forced marriage is the term used to describe a legally binding relationship, where one or both partners married without their consent or against their will. It can occur to anyone of any age, sexual orientation, any ability, including those with learning disabilities, and includes relationships entered into with full consent if one or both are later forced to stay in the marriage against their will. It is a safeguarding issue, and one all healthcare professionals should be aware of.

See: forced marriage factsheet

See also: further information on further information on forced marriage.

The National Commission on Forced Marriage is an independent body founded in 2013. It raises awareness of forced marriage, so that individuals, families, and communities understand that forced marriage is against the law in the UK, through inquires and research. It also examines, advises and publicly reports on the practice of forced marriage across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Page last updated - 13/05/2023