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women chatting in wooded setting

Looking after each other

If you are looking to be encouraged and inspired there are a host of examples of people working to make our communities stronger, safer and happier here.


Societal issues

  • Responding to aggression and violence: Not all of us think of violence and aggression as a public health issue but it is, and nurses have a role in responding to it. In this video, Specialist nurse Dorcas Gwata explains the potential for nurses to prevent knife crimes, stop the cycle of violence and help turn young lives around.
  • Domestic abuse: Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and this RCN resource is designed to help address this as public health issue.
  • Loneliness: Loneliness can affect anyone, at any age, in any circumstances. It damages our physical and mental health and all nurses, in every setting, recognise loneliness and have easy to access to resources to offer the best advice.
  • Helping others in mental and emotional distress: If you know someone struggling with their mental health, see how you can help and support them here: Every Mind Matters has been created by Public Health England, with tips and advice developed with experts and approved by the NHS. The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaborative of National Health Service trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK.
  • Trafficking and Modern Slavery: Cases of people being trafficked into the UK and being forced into modern forms of slavery are on the increase and health professionals are well placed to spot the signs and act to help. 

Page last updated - 08/07/2023