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Membership rates

You can join the RCN for as little as £0.84 a month. You'll get a huge range of benefits, including workplace representation and support and access to our confidential advice service.

Type Rate Tax Relief*
First year discount £98.43 £78.74
Full £196.85 £157.48
Joint educational £147.64 £118.11
Joint RCM Membership £98.43 £78.74
Retired £10 n/a**
Voluntary break £98.43 £78.74
Nursing Support Worker
First year discount £49.21 £39.37
Full £98.43 £78.74
Retired £10 n/a**
Voluntary break £49.21 n/a**
Full £10 n/a**
Type Rate Tax Relief*
First year discount £8.20 £6.56
Full £16.40 £13.12
Joint educational £12.30 £9.84
Joint RCM Membership £8.20 £6.56
Retired £0.84 n/a**
Voluntary break £8.20 £6.56
Nursing Support Worker
First year discount £4.10 £3.28
Full £8.20 £6.56
Retired £0.84 n/a**
Voluntary break £4.10 n/a**
Full £0.84 n/a**

* tax relief may vary depending on the tax situation of each member

** tax relief would be available if a member is paying basic rate tax

Join the UK's largest union and professional body for nursing

Whether you're a nurse, midwife, HCA, AP or student, you can get a huge range of benefits when you join the RCN.

female RCN member at Congress

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of membership are set out in the following documents:

Definitions of Membership (PDF)

Membership Policy and process (PDF)

Further information on the RCN's Membership Policies and Processes can be found on our governance documents page. This page includes links to information on our royal charter, standing orders, regulations, policies and processes that ensure effective governance within our organisation.