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I add a different perspective

Craig Davidson 16 Jul 2020

Craig writes about how he applied for a position on the Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum steering committee as a newly qualified nurse and why all members have something to offer in one of these roles.

The reason I joined the RCN over other unions was because of the professional body side of the College. That is when I got thinking, I could apply for a steering committee member position on one of the professional forums. As a student, I had joined several of the forums. I'd closely followed their work, collaborating with many during my time on the Students Committee. Both within my university and the RCN I'd held various official leadership positions. So, when I saw that a spot was open on the Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum steering committee, I thought, this seems like the perfect fit and a natural progression. I'm not going to lie, at this point, I was a newly qualified nurse, completing my Honours year, still awaiting taking up my first post. I couldn't help thinking, was I really suitable? Would I honestly be able to bring something to the table? But nothing ventured, nothing gained, no? So, I went for it.

The application process was easy. And I would encourage anyone passionate about the nursing profession, the College, and the area of specialism the forum represents to go for it. The RCN is its members. Who sits on these committees shouldn't be defined by perceived "status". So, if you're a nursing support worker, a student, a newly qualified nurse, or a nurse at any stage of your career, committed to improving the forums for the members, go for it! The best thing to do is reach out to the Chair of the forum you're interested in applying for and ask questions. Show an active interest. Find out what they are currently doing and working on. That's what I did.

If you're successful, you'll then be invited to interview. Due to my studies, mine was by telephone, and I understand all interviews this year will be by teleconference. I was interviewed by the Chair, the Professional Lead from the nursing department, a member of staff from the governance team, and another independent RCN member. They each asked me a question about why I wanted to be a committee member, and what I could bring to the role. Remember, you are unique. No one else has your lived experience. Clinical experience does not always trump passion, commitment, life experience and transferable skills. So, don't let that hold you back.

I was privileged to be appointed to the steering committee and began my two-year term in January 2020. So far, I'm loving my time on the committee. We're engaging with forum members to find out what they want from us. We're working collaboratively and have streamlined into two working groups, with a clear focus to improve the forum's work. I'm learning so much from my other steering committee members. And am so grateful to each and every one of them. But I think they are learning some things from me too. I may be the most clinically inexperienced and junior member of the team, but I definitely add a different perspective. Something unique.

So, I'd say, go for it. Don't let what you perceive to be your inexperience hold you back. I promise if you are interested enough to apply, and are committed to improvement, you are right. I wish you the best of luck.
Craig Davidson

Craig Davidson

RCN Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum steering committee member.

Community public health staff nurse.

Craig is a registered nurse who recently took up a post as a community public health staff nurse in the Asylum Health Bridging Team for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. His first staff nurse post was in the Infectious (Communicable) Diseases department at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in May 2020.

Craig is a former Scottish representative on the Royal College of Nursing's (RCN) Students' Committee from 2018- 2019, assuming the chair's tenure in 2019. In addition to being an an RCN Newly Registered Nurses working group member, Craig is also a steering committee member of the RCN Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum.
Together with his friend and fellow registered nurse, Clare Manley, Craig hosts a fortnightly podcast, "Retaining the Passion: Journeys Through Nursing".

Craig is undertaking a Master of Public Health at GCU. He is interested in global, public, and sexual health, particularly blood-borne viruses and health protection measures. He hopes to work on global and public health policy as a nurse researcher and academic one day. 

Craig is passionate about representing minority populations and advocating for health equity for all. To this extent, he sits on the working group developing NHS Scotland's Rainbow badge inclusion initiative.

Page last updated - 18/05/2022