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RCN International

Our international work

We represent UK nursing globally and support international colleagues.

The RCN works with international alliances and stakeholders in the UK, Europe and beyond to influence health and nursing policy globally.

We focus on supporting our international workforce by seeking to influence:

  • an inclusive immigration system
  • a fair testing and registration process
  • sustainable and ethical recruitment into the UK

We also work with partners to influence both UK and global health policy that recognises and promotes the rights, expertise and leadership of nurses. In doing so, we can achieve better global health outcomes for all.

Professional Qualifications Act

The Professional Qualifications Act changes the way overseas nursing qualifications are recognised in the UK. We actively influenced the Bill as it progressed through Parliament, and we worked to ensure that patient safety was protected.
Westminster houses of parliament

Code of Practice for International Recruitment survey

We provided feedback on the UK Code of Practice for International Recruitment. Our response outlined concerns including the levels of information that are made available to internationally educated nurses as part of the recruitment process when considering coming to the UK, and about data indicating increasing numbers of nurses joining the Nursing and Midwifery Council register from countries identified as facing workforce shortages.
Group of nursing staff looking into a laptop

Our commitment to improving nursing globally 

Find out more about our work to influence global health policy and the international alliances we are a member of. 

Nursing leadership

Nurses across the world have a critical role in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and other population health goals. The RCN has called for the UK to invest in health systems globally, and implement the recommendations of the WHO’s Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery.

Sustainable development goals

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals for all countries to work towards in global partnership. Included within the SDGs is the aim to improve health and education, reducing inequality and tackling climate change. Nurses have a critical role in achieving all of the SDGs.

International alliances

International alliances bring together nursing organisations from across the world to work together on issues impacting the profession. The RCN is a member of a number of international alliances including:

A group of nursing staff sitting in a room

International nursing members

Information, guidance and advice for international members, working in the UK and overseas.

A nurse writing on a clipboard

Immigration advice service

If you're an RCN member and are already in the UK, you can get free, confidential support and assistance on immigration issues.