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Meet the Team

Michelle Turner

Michelle Turner


Community Diabetes Specialist Nurse 

Michelle works as a Community diabetes specialist nurse working with people living with type 2 diabetes. She has been a GPN for many years and continues to work for Shrewsbury PCN as co-lead a pilot for the implementation of group consultations for people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

Michelle works for OHID (formally PHE) as a Midlands Physical Activity Clinical Champion delivering as part of the Moving Health Care Programme. She became an NMP in 2020 and this year has become a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional with the IBLM under her membership of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. 

Next studies are planned for the PgDIp in Diabetes Clinical Care and Management at King's. She completed the NHSE QI programme in 2021. She volunteers with Learn with nurses and is an NHSE Clinical champion for Social Prescribing.

Michelle recently became a committee member of the RCN Diabetes forum.

Contact Michelle

Agnes Graja

Agnieszka Graja MSc

Diabetes Nurse Consultant

Works as a primary care Diabetes Nurse Consultant and Regional Genetic Diabetes Nurse in Poole, Dorset.  Agnes has started her DSN carrier in 2006 and soon after she joined GDN network. She has become NMP in 2009 and gained her PGCert in genetic counselling. She has completed the DUK Clinical Champion programme in 2017-2019. She has recently joined the ArT1st team: Celebrating Talents of T1 Diabetes Community During COVID-19 Pandemic which received Spirit of the time QiC award 2020.

She is currently studying towards her Painting Degree at Open Collage of the Arts and has join RCN Diabetes Forum Steering Group Committee this year for 2 years. 

Email Agnes.



RCN Professional lead Long Term Conditions, Nursing

Louise Parker

Page last updated - 20/05/2024