RCN Award of Merit
Acknowledging outstanding voluntary service to the RCN
The Award of Merit is the highest honour bestowed to RCN members for service to the RCN itself.
Who can nominate
RCN members can submit nominations at any point during the year using this nomination form.
You can nominate or support one or more RCN members for the award if you are an RCN member. Country or regional boards, branches and forums can submit group nominations.
RCN Council members and RCN staff can also submit or support nominations for this award.
Support for your nomination
You will need three other people to support your nomination. They may be RCN members or others who fully support the nomination. The recommendations should ideally come from a range of colleagues from different backgrounds to show the reach of the nominee's work.
Each supporting statement should show how the nominee has given exceptional service to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), making an impact on their RCN branch, network, forum, workplace, or the RCN as a whole.
The nominator should clearly set out how the nominee has given exceptional service as follows:
- Impact: Consistently exceed expectations; performing at a level above and beyond normal benchmarks.
- Contribution: Has made important and significant contribution(s) in their role; and demonstrates their sustained commitment to the RCN and its core values.
- Professionalism: Consistently demonstrates a high degree of professionalism by their commitment to work positively, respectfully and effectively to contribute to the aims and objectives of the RCN as enshrined in the RCN Charter.
- Knowledge: Uses knowledge and expertise at every opportunity that adds distinction to the RCN and its core values.
- Equity, diversity and inclusion: How has the individual demonstrated an active commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Please do not tell the nominee about the nomination, as it must remain confidential.
The Country or Regional Board will also provide a resume of the nominee to the Awards Committee.
What to submit
The nominator and supporters should write testimonials about the nominee and submit these with the form, available above. These should show how the nominee has made an exceptional contribution to the RCN.
Download How to write a successful supporting statement for more information.
You also need to submit contact details and brief details of the nominee's history within the RCN. We understand that it is hard to find out details about another person - especially while keeping it a secret - so just put as much information as you can. We can, for example, find the person's RCN membership number for you.
How the decision gets made
Eligible nominations will be considered by the Awards Committee and evaluated against the following four criteria:
- Consistently exceed expectations; performing at a level above and beyond normal benchmarks.
- Has made important and significant contribution(s) in their role; and demonstrates their commitment to the RCN and its core values.
- Consistently demonstrates a high degree of professionalism by their commitment to work positively, respectfully and effectively to contribute to the aims and objectives of the RCN as enshrined in the RCN Charter.
- Uses knowledge and expertise at every opportunity that adds distinction to the RCN and its core values.
Download the full RCN Award of Merit criteria.
When to submit
RCN members can submit nominations at any point during the year using this nomination form. Nominations that are received by Monday 13 January 2025 will be considered for presentation at the RCN Awards 2025.
The Awards Committee
The Awards Committee comprises of the President, Deputy President, Chair of Council, Vice-Chair of Council, the Fellows Convenor, the Chief Executive & General Secretary, the RCN Chief Nurse, Representatives from the Professional Nursing and Trade Union Committees.