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Modern slavery: Professional resources

This page provides information and resources for all nursing and midwifery staff working in any setting. The resources provide guidance and advice for anyone who will encounter people impacted by modern slavery.

RCN resources

RCN Modern Slavery pocket guide. This guide has been developed to help nurses and midwives identify victims of slavery and help people find the assistance and support they need.

RCN Modern Slavery wheel. A flyer outlining what modern slavery, the key signs and what nursing staff should do if they suspect it is happening.

Key resources

GOV.UK (2020) Statutory guidance. Modern slavery: how to identify and support victims. This guidance describes the signs that someone may be a victim of modern slavery, the support available to victims, and the process for determining whether someone is a victim.

Home Office (2021) The Modern Slavery Statutory Guidance has been updated. This is aimed at Single Competent Authority staff in any part of the UK who make decisions on whether or not an individual is a potential victim of modern slavery for the purpose of the NRM.

Home Office (2020). Modern slavery training: resource page.

Home Office 2018 UK annual report on modern slavery. The UK Modern Slavery Annual Report provides an overview of modern slavery in the UK and explains how the UK has responded to this threat over the last 12 months.

Home Office (2017) Modern slavery. This page brings together all documents and promotional material related to the government’s work to end modern slavery, including: the Modern slavery strategy, materials on Duty to notify and Modern slavery: a briefing.

Further resources


Centre for Social Justice (2015) A modern response to modern slavery. This report looks at how policy makers and law enforcement across the European Union could develop a more modern response to modern slavery. 

Home Office (2014) Modern slavery strategy. Launched in November 2014, the modern slavery strategy sets out our comprehensive cross-government approach to fighting modern slavery.

Home Office (2018) Factsheet. Modern slavery.

Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (2017) Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner's annual report 2016 to 2017

National Audit Office (2017) Reducing modern slavery. This report suggests that until the government is able to establish effective oversight of the modern slavery system as a whole, it will not be able to significantly reduce the prevalence of modern slavery or show that it is achieving value for money.

RCNi. Primary Health Care journal. Using forum theatre with health visitor students to improve recognition and risk assessment of honour-based violence.

The Centre for Social Justice (2020). It Still Happens Here

VITA Network. Advancing the Health Response to Modern Slavery


Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s (IASC) office & University of Nottingham (2018) Anti-Slavery Partnership Toolkit. This online toolkit to help local organisations and agencies work better together to tackle modern slavery. 

Crown Prosecution Service (2018) Modern Slavery Report 2017-2018. This report shows that charges for modern slavery offences have risen by more than a quarter in the last year. (England and Wales)

Department of Health (2013) Modern slavery: identifying and supporting victims. This guidance sets out actions for health care staff who suspect that a patient may be a victim of human trafficking and slavery.

Health Education England. e-Learning for Healthcare. Identifying and supporting victims of modern slavery. This online resource provides an overview of the issue of modern slavery. It is aimed at helping all health care staff recognise the signs that someone has been trafficked, and to take appropriate action with confidence.

Louise Cahill, RN (2018) Modern Slavery: a role for nurses. Presented at RCN Congress fringe event May 2018, this presentation explores how to recognise where modern slavery and or trafficking is happening and introduces the modern slavery tool which advises on what to do.

Nursing Standard Podcasts (2018) Listen to Louise Cahill talking about Helping victims of modern slavery

NHS England. Modern slavery. This page includes a modern slavery awareness video. This video will support staff to understand the signs and symptoms of modern slavery and how to support victims.

Public Health England (2017). Modern slavery and public health. This research summary looks at the role of public health in dealing with modern slavery. 

University of Nottingham (2022). The Vulnerability of Paid Migrant live-in care workers in London to modern slavery.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Department of Justice. Draft Northern Ireland Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Strategy 2018-2019

Northern Ireland Department of Justice. Modern Slavery Campaign.


Modern Slavery Helpline. Modern slavery in Scotland.

Scottish Government. Human trafficking.

Scottish Government. Human trafficking and exploitation strategy.


NHS Wales. Modern slavery – policy briefing paper.

Welsh Government. Anti-slavery.

Welsh Refugee Council. Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and the National Referral Mechanism in Wales.

Further support

Salvation Army. Modern slavery

The Salvation Army confidential referral helpline 0300 3038151 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Modern slavery helpline

You can call 08000 121 700 to get help, report a suspicion or seek advice.

Stop the TRAFFIK

STOP THE TRAFFIK is a pioneer in human trafficking prevention. They help communities to identify, respond to and protect themselves from trafficking.

Page last updated - 28/02/2023