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Older people: professional resources

Resources from the RCN and other organisations for nursing staff working with older people  

RCN resources to support the care of older people

Useful resources

Regulatory standards

Standards for the care of older people are set by the regulatory agencies of the four UK countries. These standards are in place to ensure the level of care for older people never falls below them.


Northern Ireland



Care home journey v2

Care home journey

The Care Home Journey is specifically designed to support nursing care in older peoples care homes. It is the first time the RCN has provided bespoke web pages for nurses working in this area of the independent sector and the content has been reviewed by current experts.

View the resource.

Complex conversations and decisions 350x170

Complex conversations and decisions for care home leaders

The RCN has created a four webinars for leaders and managers of care home to support complex and sensitive conversations in nursing practice.

Page last updated - 29/01/2023