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Complex conversations and decisions

Complex conversations and decisions for care home leaders

We have created a four webinars for leaders and managers of care home to support complex and sensitive conversations in nursing practice.

The aim is to provide up to date professional guidance to help you think about practice issues including end of life care, legal reporting and sexual intimacy. The information will inform your activities and policies and provide sound professional guidance.

The webinars can be viewed as a series or as standalone sessions. They are open to all senior staff and will signpost you to helpful resources. We hope you enjoy viewing them.

Dawne Garrett - Sexual Intimacy

You can download Dawne's PowerPoint presentation here.

Amanda Cheesley - Planning and Preparation for the End of Life

You can download Amanda's PowerPoint presentation here.

Ruth Burey - Decision Making at the End of Life

You can download Ruth's PowerPoint presentation here.

Roz Hooper - Decision making in Care Homes: Insights from the NMC (England only)

You can download Roz's PowerPoint presentation here.
Care home journey v2

Care home journey

The Care Home Journey is specifically designed to support nursing care in older peoples care homes. It is the first time the RCN has provided bespoke web pages for nurses working in this area of the independent sector and the content has been reviewed by current experts.

View the resource.